Death Rate

Countries with >50,00,000 cases (Projected starting 1000 case mark to calculate rise of deaths in terms of percentage).

Country Death rate
0 Brazil 2.794603
1 United Kingdom 2.504124
2 Russia 2.461515
3 France 1.898218
4 United States 1.793457
5 India 1.323959
6 Turkey 0.916328

Infection-spread rates

Countries with >50,00,000 cases (Projected starting 1000 case mark to calculate rise of infection in terms of percentage)

Spread rate Country
0 0.109796 Brazil
1 0.614396 United Kingdom
2 0.431444 Russia
3 0.072499 France
4 0.018211 United States
5 0.120484 India
6 0.096069 Turkey

Cases Per Million Population

Patients/ml Country Total Population
0 102276.969377 United States 331002651
1 90001.578129 France 65273511
2 89809.900071 Brazil 212559417
3 75702.813058 United Kingdom 67886011
4 39150.115207 Russia 145934462
5 22372.665142 India 1380004385

Deaths Per Million Population

Country Deaths/ml Total Population
0 United States 308.991390 331002651
1 France 1378.837705 65273511
2 Brazil 422.516684 212559417
3 United Kingdom 1115.145992 67886011
4 Russia 268.271899 145934462
5 India 16.212025 1380004385

The data suggests that with increasing number of cases increases death rate up to a certain point but also slows down the spread(rate) of the virus.

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